
Driver Aptitude Testing System

Driver Aptitude Testing System

Product Category :    Testing Equipments

Supplier                :    Zen Technologies Ltd

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Product Profile of Driver Aptitude Testing System

Zen Technologies Ltd offers Driver Aptitude Testing System. Zen Technologies Ltd is an ISO 9001:2000 [QMS] and ISO 27001:2005 [ISMS] registered organization. The Driver Aptitude Testing System of model number ZEN DATS is scientifically designed and tested. This helps test psycho-motor functions of individuals authorized to drive an automobile/machine on land. This system identifies individuals prone to accidents by exposing psycho-motor deficiencies. Psycho-motor function is responsible for driver`s decisions and is generally referred to as `judgment` while driving. The Zen Driver Aptitude Testing System tests driver`s alertness, depth perception, peripheral vision, night vision and ability to recover quickly from the effects of glare.Zen DATS can be used for regular screening and on drivers with different levels of experience. It can be used for yearly checks of all drivers to record changes, if any, from the earlier tests. Every individual issued with a license to drive a civil, military or a specialist machine bears the responsibility to ensure safety on road.

Different types of tests performed with Driver Aptitude Testing System are:

  • Simple Reaction Test: It measures the alertness of the driver when the traffic light is either green or red. This is a timed exercise to see the reaction of the driver.
  • Complex Reaction Test: It measures the alertness of the driver when traffic lights are green, red or amber. The amber light could either shift to green or red. The system records the reaction time and displays whether the driver is inside or outside the prescribed limits.Depth Perception Test: It measures the ability of a driver to judge distance and relative position of objects. Lack of this ability is the major cause for most of the accidents. The test requires the driver to match two rows of glowing LEDs, one of which is fixed. The test records the driver`s ability to match the two rows. The parallax is recorded.
  • Night Vision Test: This test determines the time the test driver takes to recognize road signs in low level of illumination. The test records the time
  • Glare Recovery Test: Blinding lights at night cause many accidents. Glare recovery test records the time an individual takes to recover from the effects of glare. The test drivers are blinded by head lights for five seconds and subjected to a recognition test immediately. The reaction time is recorded and compared with the laid-down safety limits.
  • Side Vision Test: This tests an individual`s limits of peripheral vision while looking ahead. A majority of accidents take place when overtaking takes place either from left or right.
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